Hi, I’m Amanda. I’ve always dreamed of being a writer.

If you feel the same way, you’re probably in the right place.
The Writing a Book Dream
Ever since I was a little girl….
Okay I don’t want to start like that. Too cheesy. Too stereotypical. Where else do I start…

Welp, I’ve started numerous blogs over the past 10 years. Too many blogs. It’s been my way of being creative and being introverted and really just processing things that happen in my life. I really enjoy sitting down and typing out whatever is swirling around in my brain.
It’s always been in the back of my mind that I wanted to write a book. I picture myself sitting in a room on a hill looking out over the glorious scenery (obviously I have a dream house in this fantasy), type-typing away at my typewriter. Drinking coffee. Petting a cat. Living off of my incredible writing talent. Piles of books on my shelves.
Of course I had to pick a real way to earn money though. Since that seemed like a true daydream. The thing in the back of my mind becoming a teacher was “summers off to write!” It could possibly work.
Making Time for the Dream
I decided after the first year of teaching, I better get on my writing dream. Turns out, teaching kind of takes over my life during the year. (It’s a lot harder and more rewarding than I could have ever dreamed. I also had idealistic plans for teaching.)
The Need to Practice Writing
Everything takes practice. I have decided that I’m going to take time each day to write just a little bit. The writings may be short. They may be long. They may be intriguing. They may be boring or incoherent.
The point is to develop the habit. And hopefully some kind of story will come out of it.

Main Goals for This Blog:
- Practice.
- Practice.
- Practice some more.
- Let go of perfectionism.
- Be consistent. Just hit “publish” as many days out of the year that I can.
- Write other posts about writing or reading or inspiration.
- Share this blog with people I know in real life. (<-the hardest part, aside from the consistency)
The Steps I can Take to Write a Real Book:
- Write on this blog.
- Edit my writing.
- Read about writing books.
- Read good stories.
- Watch good stories.
- Listen to good stories.
- Self-publish an ebook.
- Get people to review that book.
- Become famous.
- Write more books and my hubby can become the trophy husband he’s always wanted to be. 😉
Feel free to join me if you have also always wanted to be a writer. The first step is…to write. Right?

Fun Facts About the Author:

- I have three cats.
- I have one husband. He has an enormous…beard.
- I’m a first grade teacher at a title building. Aka high needs, high stress, lots of teacher tears, but high levels of personal gratification.
- I began taking anxiety medication at the age of 31 and it was the best decision of my life.
- My favorite color is teal.
- My favorite store is Target. (<-shocker)
- My first job was at Chili’s. I won Margarita Madness in 2008. (<-sold the most margs)
- I’m an Aries. Aka huge temper.
- I’m an INFJ. Aka The Advocate.
- In elementary school I would make lists of what I did each day and lists of what I wanted to do the next day. I recently found one of these lists on a notecard and it was borderline…borderline.

What do you think?