Welp it’s been over a week since I’ve written. Don’t say I didn’t tell you I’d be so overwhelmed I wouldn’t know up from down!
The past two days I came home from teaching first graders in a pandemic and slept for a full two hours, got up, said hi to my husband and went to bed. I am exhausted, but also have a mixture of emotions.
I’m SO proud of my kiddos for how hard they are trying with their masks and social distancing and constant hand washing and sanitizing. But I also know that already we have cases in the school and trying to keep these kiddos safe has been overwhelming and exhausting. And it’s week one.
I am very much hoping that our school board makes a decision to make our situations safer–especially at the middle school and high school level where they are changing rooms and moving around amongst a whole lot of people. At least at the elementary level we are trying to keep to our own classrooms. Our specials and lunches stay in our room so they are leaving a lot less than they would have been.
I went through and read my last post on this blog and got excited about writing more. My brain is a little foggy though, so I think I will be referring to my character list a lot. 🙂
Back to Story #1: Troubled Waters. Or another title I come up with.

Beth made a conscious effort not to react to the door being locked. It took every bit of self control she had not to bang on all the windows and shake the door.
So far, getting upset and yelling hadn’t worked. She decided to change her tactic. She would try to go along with things and then make her break whenever she could. Where was her blasted phone though??
If she had her phone, all she had to do was call Alec and tell him what was happening. She was almost positive he was already worried. Beth wondered at what point her would start driving around looking for her. Regret filled her body as she thought about how mad she got that Alec worried about her. On the one hand, she was an adult, but on the other hand, the world could be a fucked up place. As was evidenced here.
And where was Noah? He was without a vehicle right now since they had left him behind, but surely by now he had walked somewhere and told them what happened. Had he gone to their own house to talk to Alec? Beth trusted Noah, but it was weird that he hung out with someone like Nick Busey.
Beth saw out of the corner of her eye that Nick was on the phone. He was pacing. She held onto her ankle, which really did hurt, but probably not as much as it would have had her body not been coursing with adrenaline. She tried to see if she could hear what he was saying. It was weird how close he was to the truck…did he not realize it wasn’t soundproof?
She picked up on a couple of words like, “situation” and “I don’t know what to do man.”
That seemed to solidify that he was up to something. Beth wasn’t sure she wanted to find out, but the good thing was that he didn’t know what to do. Or was that a good thing? She really didn’t want him to panic. She had to remain calm. Her eyes continued to dart around in search of her phone, but it was no use. She carefully felt around under her with her left arm so that Nick hopefully wouldn’t notice.
Suddenly, Beth heard the front door of the truck open.
It felt good to escape for a bit into the world of Beth. I wonder what will happen next?
Update on my writing goal for August: