I’ve decided to add some more about Beth’s past/family. This post is going to go after the post, Unsettling for Her. Her mom is going to call her as they are unpacking.

Beth’s phone buzzed and she checked the screen. It was her mom, Linda. It was about 4pm, so she was probably just waking up. Her mom worked nights at a local Omaha hospital.
“Hi, mom!”
“Hi, sweetie. How’s the new place coming along?” Linda asked.
“Pretty good so far! I think we have the furniture where we want it. Still have a million boxes to unpack, though.” Beth replied with a sigh.
“Yeah, I bet.” replied Beth’s mom, who had lived in the same place for 30 years. Linda still remembered, however, packing up their duplex that they had outgrown with their second child, Charlotte, and first child, Beth. Beth’s mom and her dad, James, had moved a whole mile to their new, little, butter-colored house. It was a starter home neighborhood filled with kids. They had somehow fit two more children into that little house before splitting up.
“How was work?” Beth asked, knowing her mom always had a story about the hospital to share. Beth was more in a listening mood right now.
“Oh, busy, as usual.” Linda responded. “I had this one patient who coded on me, but I was like, ‘uh-uh, not tonight!'”
Beth laughed, “sounds about right.” Her mom was one determined lady. Growing up, she had been a single mother after their parent’s divorce. They still saw their dad two nights a week and every other weekend, but most of the childcare was left to Linda. Linda had even decided to go back to school in her fourties to become a nurse.
Of course Beth had been the one stuck at home watching the kids when her mom studied, but that’s how it was back then.
Now, I think it’s time to print out the whole story again and have an edit day. School is starting soon and I think I’d better do this before I forget all about writing. 🙂