I suppose we have to start out with some ideas for my fiction pieces. A piece of writing wisdom I’ve heard is to “write what you know.” It sounds simple enough–don’t write about subjects you don’t really know about. I think I’m going to start there. With what I know.
What I can’t quite figure out is what age level to write for. Should I start out with books for kids? I am, afterall, a teacher.
Should I write young adult books? I do still possess quite a bit of teenage angst. Despite my age of 33. What can I say–I’m a late bloomer.
Or should I write to adults? I am an adult by age. But then again, the older the audience, the more criticism, right?
What do I even know about writing fiction? All I’ve ever really written is blog posts which are literally just writing about my life. Like writing a journal.
Should I write journal style? I think that might work…

Just testing out comments.
I have this crazy feeling of I don’t want anyone to read this but at the same time I want to be a famous author and have everyone recognize my name. Anyone else feel this?
Yes, I feel this. I am also Amanda. Testing out replies. What a nerd.