I finally shared my blog link on snapchat. So, with my close friends–that account is not public.
A total of two friends said they liked my story so far. No negative feedback, literally just two compliments. Aaaaaand I felt a wave of extreme embarrassment. Why??
What is it about sharing creative work?
I think I’m weird in the fact that I don’t really care what strangers think about me, but people I know…I feel like I’m on a stage in my underwear.

Good thing I have kind friends who wouldn’t make fun of my underwear. At least to my face.
Then, after that “soft opening” of the blog to my known people on Snapchat, I shared to my ancient Facebook page for my old blogs. It got 5 likes and I freaked out even more.
I better get some cute underwear to wear on the stage to share my creative works.
I’m Scared Now
I’m scared because I don’t want to quit! I don’t want to quit because I’m all of a sudden aware that other people are reading.
Sooooooo I continue!
I now have a Google Doc of the story, somewhat in the order I want it to be. It’s now up to 13.5 pages! I will continue to celebrate every page written.
Catch up on Story #1 Drafts here.
Aaaand publish.