I printed out story #1. It’s on paper now and it takes up a whole 3.5 pages. Not much, but it’s a start! Does anyone else prefer editing with pen and paper?
So I’m not sure where this part will go, but last post, we left off learning about Beth’s life after high school. I’m going to continue that backstory part. It might be terrible. I have had some wine. My husband is snoring on the couch next to me.
Let’s do this.
Story #1 Continued:
When Beth graduated from high school, she had a plan. She had been taking CAD classes and was ready to become a rich architect. Once she visited a nearby college, however, she realized all the pressure and stress that came with the job. She wanted to design houses…but she would likely be designing commercial buildings.
That threw a wrench in her plans. While she dealt with this slight hiccup in her plan, she attended an early college program over the summer. With this program, students would get some early credits from the university, while learning their way around campus. And hopefully making some friends.
Another slight hiccup–she joined a pyramid scheme. Really it was a huge wrench thrown into the plan. This pyramid scheme was more of a cult. Beth was convinced that she could just skip college for now, get rich, then go to college later as a bazillionaire. Eighteen-year-old Beth had no idea what she was getting into.
After a few years and not even breaking the millionaire status (literally about $40 to her name), she decided to quit. You quit a cult and you are shunned. She had no friends.
But she did have a new plan. Beth had sought solace at her tiny apartment gym during her lonely hours. Turns out, exercise and eating well and getting a normal amount of sleep makes you happier. She needed to share this with the world. She was going to school to become a personal trainer.
Then a dietitian.
Then she moved.
Then finally, she got a teaching degree.
Needless to say, she started her career a little later in life than her original eighteen-year-old self intended.
So this is my life backstory. The after college part. I think it would be boring to include all of this, so I will definitely hack through this to pull out all of the unnecessary plot points. Then expand on those and weave those through the story. Like referencing the backstory.
I feel like talking about the cult would add some interest? To be honest I bored myself there towards the end, so I might even need to take a second pass at this before the hacking.
Did you know that anyone could start a blog and just start typing whatever the hell they want? It’s true.
K Bye!